
Les réflexes dans les mains et les pieds sont des cartes vers d’autres parties du corps, des glandes et des organes. Le corps tout entier peut être travaillé, rafraîchi et activé complètement grâce aux points présents sur les pieds et les mains.

La stimulation et la pression appliquée sur ces points peuvent avoir de profonds bienfaits sur la santé de tout le corps. La réflexologie aide à gérer de nombreux maux, tels que les douleurs musculo-squelettiques, la circulation, l'anxiété, le stress, les problèmes digestifs et l'insomnie.

La désintoxication est un enjeu majeur ces derniers temps, avec une plus grande prise de conscience des polluants environnementaux que nous respirons et qui s'accumulent dans les tissus du corps. La réflexologie peut aider à détoxifier les radicaux libres, à éliminer les toxines des tissus adipeux et à restaurer votre niveau d'énergie.

Ce traitement est non invasif, confortable et totalement relaxant.

Reflexology whole-life-style D'Amour

Categorized as a zone therapy, Reflexology has been practiced for over 4000 years to improve all manner of physical health care.  Reflexes of the hands and feet are mirror images of all organs and glands, bones, muscles and fluids of the body. Correctly provided direct pressure to these zones will stimulate blood flow and nerve pathways to invigorate and relieve problem areas.

The entire body can be worked, refreshed and activated completely through the points found on the feet and hands. Stimulation and applied pressure to these points can have profound benefits to the health of the entire body.

Reflexology helps to manage many ailments, such as musculoskeletal pain, circulation, anxiety, stress, and insomnia. In addition to helping with specific physical problems, releasing toxins and lowering blood pressure, Reflexology also stimulates balancing and proper function of the digestive system - known as the seat of good health and connected to our emotional self.

Detoxification is a big issue lately with more awareness of the environmental pollutants we breathe in, which accumulate in the body's tissues. Reflexology can help detoxify free radicals and flush out toxins from fatty tissue and restore your energy levels.

Usefulness in treating injury, chronic illness, and musculoskeletal pain as well as post surgical recovery has recognized Reflexology as a beneficial therapeutic form of healthcare.

This treatment is non-invasive, comfortable and thoroughly relaxing.